PIPING PLOVER (Charadradius melodus)

Smyrna Dunes Park in New Smyrna Beach, FL, on the western shoreline at 11:07 a.m.
25 October 2003
© Kevin Doxstater

Banding of this bird was verified by François Shaffer of Quebec in a message in
which he said:

"I banded this bird (an adult) on June 21, 2002 on Sandy Hook beach
(Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec). I caught this bird on a nest of 4 eggs.
Probably a male.The band number is 81140270. GPS position of the nest :
47,24716N 61,80398W.
"Thank you very much for reporting your sightings."
(Signed) François Shaffer,Service canadien de la faune
1141 route de l'Église, C.P. 10100, Sainte-Foy Québec G1V 4H5
