FLORIDABIRDS-L is a Listserv® mailing list created and made available in July 2000 through the Listserv® facilities of University of Florida . Barbara Passmore ( bkpass@bellsouth.net) of Valdosta, GA, is listowner. Feel free to contact Barbara directly with questions concerning FLORIDABIRDS-L This list is intended to foster discussion about birds in Florida, their locations, arrival/departure dates, rare birds, trip reports, field trips, and historical aspects. (NOT CATS, PET BIRDS, etc., and limited to Florida bird information). For details on posting see the Listserv® Welcome Message and Posting Policy.
An alternate address is Florida-L-request@lists.ufl.edu
You can "subscribe" to FLORIDABIRDS-L by emailing a one-line message to: listserv@lists.ufl.edu In the body of your email, include the following one line message: subscribe FLORIDABIRDS-L Firstname Lastname
Follow the instructions sent back to you to confirm subscription.
To sign off or UNSUBSCRIBE, send a message to LISTSERV@LISTS.UFL.EDU saying UNSUBSCRIBE FLORIDABIRDS-L To see whether or not you are interested, you can check out recent FLORIDABIRDS-L activity at the following website: http://www.birdingonthe.net/birdmail.html Searchable archives of FLORIDABIRDS-L available at the following web site: http://www.lists.ufl.edu./archives/floridabirds-l.html
To Subcribe to FLORIDABIRDS-L now click on the subscribe link below and in the body of your email write SUBSCRIBE FLORIDABIRDS-L YourFirstName YourLastName